Irredentism :Thai Nationalist Feelings(04)
The Thai irredentist movement first came to public notice in 1936, when the Army Geographical Service of the Ministry of Defense published a “Map of the Ancient Frontiers of Siam 150 years Ago.”
This map purported to show the various regions which Thailand had lost at one time or another to France and to Britain, which included the greatest part of the Shan States and Burma, all the territory of Laos, including the upper valleys of the Red River in North Vietnam, and the whole of Cambodia.
This map was prepared under the direction of the Minister for Public Instruction; 10,000 copies were made and distributed in the schools and public establishments in Thailand.
It claimed that Cambodia had passed from the possession of the Thais into that of the French in 1863, and it went on to indicate numerous cessions of territories by Thailand to France between 1888 and 1907. With regard to British territories, no only did the map claim as being at one time Thai possessions, the Malay States of Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan and Prengganu, but it advanced the same claim for Tavoy (represented as having been taken by Burma from Thailand in 1797X and for Penang, which was ceded by Kedah to Britain about the year 1800.